Hangul is the official Korean alphabet of Korea which was invented by King Sejong, also known by the name Sejong The Great, who was the fourth kind of Joseon Dinasty.
King Sejong invented this alphabet so the lower classes may also be able to read, as before the Hangul, Koreans were using Chinese characters, however, due to large number of characters that were supossed to be memorized and the fundamental differences between Korean and Chinese language, the lower class had difficulties to learn the complex chracaters, especially because the lower class lacked the access to education.
To promote literacy among common people, King Sejong this unique alphabet which became the native phonetic writing system of Korean language.
Official Hangul Day was established back in 1926 and it was celebrated on different date till its official establishment on 9th of October. Meanwhile, North Korea also celebrates the Hangul Day on 15th of January.
In Republic of Korea, Hangul Day is an official holiday when workers get day off, this year, as Hangul day was in a Saturday, the Government decided to still give a day off for people on 11th of October, which is a Monday.
But, Hangul Day was not market as a holiday in the calendar for quite a long time, between 1991 and 2012, but it got marked again as a red day (빨간날) in the calendar, as an official holiday.
Hangul Day is also celebrated by Korean culture lovers all over the world, such as writing contests and speech contests. LA, the American city with highest number of Asian population and the host of one of the most popular Koreatown in the world, designed back in 2019, 9th of October as the Hangul Day.